8 September 2024
`Decoding` President Trump's Indo-Pacific strategy 0

`Decoding` President Trump's Indo-Pacific strategy 0

(Dan Tri) - Two main factors contributing to the formation of the Indo-Pacific Strategy concept under US President Donald Trump are `freedom` and `openness` to promote the comprehensive development of the United States.

(Dan Tri) – Two main factors contributing to the formation of the Indo-Pacific Strategy concept under US President Donald Trump are `freedom` and `openness` to promote the comprehensive development of the United States.

Warships of the US Navy (Photo: India.com)

During a meeting with reporters in the US on April 2, Mr. Alex Wong, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia – Pacific, explained the concept of the Free Indo-Pacific Strategy.

According to Mr. Wong, the two main elements clearly stated in the Trump administration’s strategy in the Indo-Pacific region are `freedom` and `openness`.

Referring to the `expansion` aspect, Mr. Wong said the US wants the Indo-Pacific region to expand further, first of all by sea and by air.

The Trump administration’s new strategy on the Indo-Pacific also includes an `expansive` aspect of logistics and infrastructure to encourage countries to better integrate regionally and develop strongly.

The “expansion” aspect of the Indo-Pacific strategy also aims to expand investment in the region.

According to US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, South Asia, specifically India, plays an important role and brings benefits not only to the US but also to other countries in the region.

According to Mr. Wong, not only is India actively participating in the development trend of East Asia and Southeast Asia through the Southeast Policy, but other countries are also implementing similar strategies such as

At the meeting with reporters, Mr. Wong affirmed that the US has supported free trade, the principles of equality and reciprocity for decades.


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