19 September 2024

This week’s One Piece cover is a picture requested by readers with the content that Ulti and Page One are in a room full of toy models representing the devil fruit abilities of the Beast gang such as dragons and giants.

In the Music and Dance Hall, currently about 300 Gifters and Shinuchi have changed sides and are attacking Kaido’s army.

Nami and Usopp carried Tama and ran away when the enemy blocked their way and the SMILE Scorpion Daifugo rushed out to save her.

SMILE Gazelleman ran over and told Tama that Komachiyo should leave it to them.

Usopp exclaims that Tama’s ability is amazing, but according to common sense on the battlefield, how can one turn an enemy into a friend like this.

Zeus was very happy and attacked the soldiers along the way.

Scene change to CP-0.

CP-0 said that the secret information that Who’s Who had obtained was old and that even if it were leaked, it would have no effect on the Government.

Scene changes to the 4th floor. Who’s Who is still fighting Jinbe.

Who’s Who replied that the reason he hated him was because `Red-Haired Shanks took that rubber devil fruit away from him`.

Who’s Who continued to say that Luffy not only inherited the rubber fruit from Shanks but also the Straw Hat, making him want Luffy to die even more.

Who’s Who commented that Jinbe was smart in choosing to dodge this attack because using Armament Haki was ineffective.

Full spoiler for One Piece chapter 1018: Jinbe overwhelms Who's Who, the power of Shichibukai is shown

Jinbe’s statement is nonsense, in this era, stop discriminating against Fishmen.

But Jinbe unleashed a new move called `Gyojin Juujutsu: Hikishio Ipponzeoi` which knocked Who’s Who to the floor and made him bleed.

Temporary truce because Who’s Who has something to ask Jinbe.

Who’s Who attacked Jinbe while continuing to say that when he was being tortured, he prayed to the `Sun God Nika`, because he only wanted someone to free him from this miserable situation.

Jinbe asked Who’s Who why he told him about this.

Who’s Who attacks Jinbe with the move `Shigan: Madara`.

At this time, Who’s Who’s subordinates were outside cheering that their `Tobiroppo` was stronger than a former Shichibukai.

Who’s Who knew that the next person to be discolored would be him, so Who’s Who decided to escape from prison.

Who’s Who was screaming in pain when Jinbe grabbed both of his hands and continued to break them with the move `Gyojin Karate: Soshaku`.

Who’s Who threw `Rankyaku` at Jinbe’s face but he took it and remained standing like a rock.

Full spoiler for One Piece chapter 1018: Jinbe overwhelms Who's Who, the power of Shichibukai is shown

Who’s Who continued to use `Gagan` but Jinbe still stood firm like a rock.

Jinbe said that if Who’s Who wants to talk about people’s history, it should come with kindness and not in a blatant way like this and then throw in `Gyojin Karate Ougi: Oni Gawara Sei Ken`.

Jinbe’s punch hit Who’s Who in the face, and the pillars of the house collapsed due to the impact of Jinbe’s blow.

End of this chapter.

Cre: Association of people who eat and sleep with One Piece

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