8 September 2024
Suggestions for dining at night for food lovers in Hanoi 2

Suggestions for dining at night for food lovers in Hanoi 2

Walking around the streets of Hanoi at night on a winter day, dishes like mixed chicken pho, grilled spring rolls or bread with wine sauce will dispel your sudden hunger.

Eating at night is considered a hobby for many people in the capital.

Mixed chicken pho

A bowl of mixed chicken pho costs 35,000 VND, including pho noodles, shredded chicken, fried onions, roasted peanuts and herbs.

Mixed chicken noodle soup at 5 Phu Doan is a familiar address for late-night eaters.

In addition, the special thing here also lies in the special mixed water, skillfully cooked so it has a light and naturally sweet taste.

Bread with wine sauce

Suggestions for dining at night for food lovers in Hanoi

Late at night, walking through Dinh Ngang, you can order a rich and filling serving of bread with wine sauce, priced from only 40,000 VND.

Located on Dinh Ngang street, at the intersection of Cua Nam intersection, is a wine sauce bread shop that has been famous for decades.

The bread with wine sauce here is cooked quite specially.

Chicken noodle soup

Suggestions for dining at night for food lovers in Hanoi

The chicken noodle shop is open from 5:00 pm to 11:30 pm every day.

With a prime location, right at the intersection of Hang Bo – Luong Van Can, the chicken noodle shop is an ideal place to watch the nightlife as well as `cure` when you’re suddenly hungry.

A full meal includes instant noodles, blanched bean sprouts and chicken.

Grilled fermented pork roll

Suggestions for dining at night for food lovers in Hanoi

Grilled spring rolls shop is located at 10 Au Trieu and is open from 2pm to 1am.

When mentioning Au Trieu Street, many people often think of the capital’s famous grilled spring rolls.

The price of a grilled nem chua is 5,000 VND.

Dried beef salad

Suggestions for dining at night for food lovers in Hanoi

The price of a plate of dried beef salad is 35,000 VND.

Dried beef salad is a specialty on Hoan Kiem Lake Street.

The main ingredients include grated green papaya, beef, herbs, roasted peanuts, and water, but the dish has a special flavor that only this place has.

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