8 September 2024
Russia's upcoming secret aircraft will `checkmate` America's powerful fighters? 0

Russia's upcoming secret aircraft will `checkmate` America's powerful fighters? 0

After months of speculation about the secret and special project of Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), the countdown has begun.

After months of speculation about the secret and special project of Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), the countdown has begun.

Some articles reported that the silhouette of the mysterious aircraft in Rostec’s promotional video is similar to the Mikoyan MiG-35 multi-role fighter.

UAC, part of the Russian state corporation Rostec, has revealed a new fighter jet that will debut on July 20, 2021, the first day of the MAKS 2021 International Aviation and Space Exhibition in Zhukovsky, Aerotime

The upcoming aircraft, dubbed the `Checkmate,` could be a light fighter with `supersonic speeds and a low radar signature – which includes information about audio signals.`

According to a newly released introductory video, this aircraft is mainly oriented for export.

`Russia is one of the few countries in the world capable of implementing the entire production process of advanced combat aircraft systems, as well as being recognized as a leader in the production of fighter aircraft.

`New products developed by UAC experts not only increase the interests of our country but also other regions of the world, including our competitors abroad.`

The introduction video called it `a new military aircraft`, and praised Russia as a `world leader` in `producing combat aircraft`, referring to the new aircraft model.

Defenseworld.net said that Rostec had previously revealed that it was developing a single-engine fighter.

The War Zone said that the silhouette of the aircraft reflected on the water in Rostec’s promotional video is similar to the Mikoyan MiG-35 multi-role fighter.

There are many speculations that Russia intends to sell this new aircraft model to India.

In May this year, according to The Week Magazine, Russian news agencies reported that the Sukhoi design department was developing a single-engine fighter.

At the same time, TASS reported: `Sukhoi Company is developing a single-engine light combat aircraft with a takeoff weight of up to 18 tons. The maximum speed of this aircraft is over 2 Mach.`

If confirmed as a single-engine fighter, this new fighter could be considered a Russian program to counterbalance the US F-35 project, currently being developed with many industrial partners.

That may also be the reason for the name `Checkmate`, especially, if the price of this new fighter is much lower than the F-35 or other American and European fighters.

MAKS International Aviation and Space Exhibition will take place at Zhukovsky Airport, Moscow from July 20 – 25, 2021.

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