8 September 2024
The whole country has 26 provinces and cities in 'green zones' 6

The whole country has 26 provinces and cities in 'green zones' 6

The Ministry of Health announced the epidemic level assessment of 63 provinces and cities across the country, of which 26 green provinces, 37 yellow provinces, no orange and red provinces, on the morning of October 21.

26 provinces and cities level 1 (new normal), including: Ba Ria Vung Tau;

37 provinces and cities level 2 (medium risk).

Binh Duong province yesterday was in the level 3 group, but this morning it was updated to level 2.

The whole country has 372 green districts;

Among the 5 centrally run cities, there are two `green` localities: Hanoi and Hai Phong;

Thus, on a provincial scale, yellow is the majority.

Click to see epidemic levels in 63 provinces and cities.

Level 1 provinces and cities are allowed to organize indoor and outdoor events with no limit on the number of people.

Level 2 restricts events that gather large numbers of people indoors, outdoors or organized under conditions.

Service businesses with a high risk of infection such as discotheques, karaoke, massage, bars, internet, video games, hairdressing, beauty… must stop or be limited.

Direct educational and training activities are still organized according to the guidance of the Ministry of Education and Training.

The Provincial People’s Committee decides on the number of people participating in activities at religious, belief and worship establishments.

The classification of epidemic levels is based on 3 criteria: number of new cases in the community/100,000 people/week;

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