8 September 2024
The problem of traffic jams is now heating up again with the change of school hours for students, no matter what level, from elementary school to university, all have the same meal times, play times, and rest times, because of biological rhythms. 3

The problem of traffic jams is now heating up again with the change of school hours for students, no matter what level, from elementary school to university, all have the same meal times, play times, and rest times, because of biological rhythms. 3

The problem of traffic jams is now heating up again with the change of school hours for students, no matter what level, from elementary school to university, all have the same meal times, play times, and rest times, because of biological rhythms.

The problem of traffic jams is now heating up again with the change of school hours for students, no matter what level, from elementary school to university, all have the same meal times, play times, and rest times, because of biological rhythms.

The problem of traffic jams is now heating up again with the change of school hours for students, no matter what level, from elementary school to university, all have the same meal times, play times, and rest times, because of biological rhythms.

The problem of traffic jams is now heating up again with the change of school hours for students, no matter what level, from elementary school to university, all have the same meal times, play times, and rest times, because of biological rhythms.

The homeowner discovered two motorbike thieves who jumped out and gave chase.

The scout chased 3 motorbike thieves like an action movie

The three thieves sat on the motorbike and observed for a while, seeing the Wave parked on the sidewalk unattended.

The problem of traffic jams is now heating up again with the change of school hours for students, no matter what level, from elementary school to university, all have the same meal times, play times, and rest times, because of biological rhythms.

The criminal reconnaissance team suddenly arrived, and the three thieves fled in disarray.

The Air Blade thief ran away because the girl caught him red-handed

As soon as the girl walked out of the house, the elegantly dressed young man immediately came to the door, looked around and unlocked the Air Blade.

The problem of traffic jams is now heating up again with the change of school hours for students, no matter what level, from elementary school to university, all have the same meal times, play times, and rest times, because of biological rhythms.

The girl found out and rushed to shout.

The motorbike thief threw away his property and ran for someone else

One guy was sitting on a motorbike waiting on the street, another guy wearing a mask covering his face came to unlock the bike parked on the sidewalk.

The problem of traffic jams is now heating up again with the change of school hours for students, no matter what level, from elementary school to university, all have the same meal times, play times, and rest times, because of biological rhythms.

He had just driven the car 2 meters when he quickly abandoned his belongings and ran for himself because the homeowner discovered him and rushed out to chase him.

Thief SH ran away ‘lost his shoes’ because the homeowner discovered him

The thieves consisted of two people, one was sitting on a motorbike waiting outside the gate, the other went in and unlocked the SH.

The problem of traffic jams is now heating up again with the change of school hours for students, no matter what level, from elementary school to university, all have the same meal times, play times, and rest times, because of biological rhythms.

The motorbike thief ran in the direction of his accomplices to escape.

>> See more: Unbelievable traffic accident escapes in Vietnam (Part 2)

Tran Hung compiled

The problem of traffic jams is now heating up again with the change of school hours for students, no matter what level, from elementary school to university, all have the same meal times, play times, and rest times, because of biological rhythms.

Motorbike thieves were chased and beaten to the point of death (Part 1)

A motorbike thief was kicked by the homeowner and he fell face down, SH was caught breaking the lock because his legs were too short… are  thefts that the homeowner caught red-handed.

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