26 July 2024
Difficulties for Biden when taking over power from Trump 3

Difficulties for Biden when taking over power from Trump 3

Even though Biden won, his transition team will face many difficulties against a President Trump who refuses to admit defeat.

Three days before Democratic candidate Joe Biden was named the winner of this year’s race and became the 46th president of the United States, his transition team launched plans to take over.

On November 4, the transition website BuildBackBetter.com operated by Biden’s campaign began operating.

`The work of coordinating the campaign and transition, such as assigning titles and roles, deciding who will do what, setting responsibilities and timing, cannot be stopped or changed, even

Democratic candidate Joe Biden in Wilmington, Delaware on November 4.

However, dozens of Democratic officials who have worked for months to form Biden’s government when elected will face many challenges and obstacles.

The possibility of Republican control of the Senate will force Biden aides and outside advocacy groups to reassess the policies they want Congress to pass, as well as who they want to nominate to the cabinet and other positions.

`The crises facing the country, from the pandemic to the economic recession, climate change and racial inequality, are severe. The transition team will continue to prepare at full speed to

Presidential transitions often move at breakneck speed even when elections go smoothly, with teams having just over two months to set up a new administrative apparatus with more than 4,000 filled positions.

During the four days of vote counting, when results are not yet announced, the transition team will have the ability to verify FBI records on potential cabinet nominees, but will not be able to work with the Office of Government Ethics (OGE).

The slow release of election results also hindered Biden’s team from coordinating with federal employees to make important decisions and take quick action within each agency, as well as from gathering information about positions

Difficulties for Biden when taking over power from Trump

Election staff actively counted mail ballots in Decatur, Georgia on October 5.

Any legal challenge efforts by Trump and his allies to dispute the results and create roadblocks could also complicate the Biden team’s ability to prepare for the transition, according to sources familiar with the matter.

`It depends on whether Trump can deliver more constructively and more quickly than he has done so far,` the source said, wondering if the current administration will hand over

Delays in power transfer are not without precedent.

Difficulties for Biden when taking over power from Trump

However, the transition team at that time followed Vice President Dick Cheney’s preparatory instructions that `will win` and continued work, according to Clay Johnson, the person in charge of Bush’s transition team.

While there may be delays in accessing federal agencies, Biden’s transition team says the experience working in government that the President-elect and many of his colleagues have will help them cope well.

How are US election votes counted?

How are votes counted in America?

Thanh Tam (According to Politico)

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