26 July 2024
Goshitel - poor people's housing area in Seoul 0

Goshitel - poor people's housing area in Seoul 0

Cheap motel rooms with small areas, only enough for a table, single bed, and wardrobe, are the refuge of the poorest people in the Korean capital.

29-year-old Korean photographer Sim Kyo-dong spent 3 years in cheap rooms to understand the lives of low-income people in Seoul.

29-year-old Korean photographer Sim Kyo-dong spent 3 years in cheap rooms to understand the lives of low-income people in Seoul.

Goshitel - poor people's housing area in Seoul

With rental prices ranging from 200,000 to 400,000 won a month (4 – 8 million VND), low-income people and tourists with little money often choose this place as a place to stay.

With rental prices ranging from 200,000 to 400,000 won a month (4 – 8 million VND), low-income people and tourists with little money often choose this place as a place to stay.

Goshitel - poor people's housing area in Seoul

Sharing with Korea Expose, Sim said: `I’m curious about why people can stay in this place for so long. I came here to take photos and I’m different from them. But over time I realized I’ve become a different person.`

Sharing with Korea Expose, Sim said: `I’m curious about why people can stay in this place for so long. I came here to take photos and I’m different from them. But over time I realized I’ve become a different person.`

Goshitel - poor people's housing area in Seoul

`People who live in goshitel are considered a poor group, overworked and isolated from society. They think negatively about their country and themselves. They come here because they have no other choice.`

`People who live in goshitel are considered a poor group, overworked and isolated from society. They think negatively about their country and themselves. They come here because they have no other choice.`

Goshitel - poor people's housing area in Seoul

`I’m conservative and don’t sympathize with homeless or poor people. But living at goshitel has completely changed my perception. I understand more about the difficulties they face and their stories make me feel better.`

`I’m conservative and don’t sympathize with homeless or poor people. But living at goshitel has completely changed my perception. I understand more about the difficulties they face and their stories make me feel better.`

Goshitel - poor people's housing area in Seoul

These small rooms were originally called goshiwon with an area of 3-5 m2, created about 50 years ago.

These small rooms were originally called goshiwon with an area of 3-5 m2, created about 50 years ago.

Each room has a bed, wardrobe, and desk.

Each room has a bed, wardrobe, and desk.

Photo: Sim Kyo-dong.

Hai Thu

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