Only when wet do the paintings appear clearly on the sidewalk, surprising most locals as well as tourists.
Only when wet do the paintings appear clearly on the sidewalk, surprising most locals as well as tourists.
He calls these products `rain masterpieces` because no one can see them in sunny weather.
He calls these products `rain masterpieces` because no one can see them in sunny weather.
Church started this job by accident, after he was sure his actions did not violate city government laws.
Church started this job by accident, after he was sure his actions did not violate city government laws.
The durability of the paintings depends on the number of people walking on the sidewalk, but Church estimates that his invisible material can last from four months to a year.
The durability of the paintings depends on the number of people walking on the sidewalk, but Church estimates that his invisible material can last from four months to a year.
Each drawing carries a certain message, but they all have the same idea: I hope anyone who sees them will feel happy and smile because of surprise.
Each drawing carries a certain message, but they all have the same idea: I hope anyone who sees them will feel happy and smile because of surprise.
Church added that he was inspired by the idea of an anti-urinary wall paint in Germany that was announced earlier this month.
Church added that he was inspired by the idea of an anti-urinary wall paint in Germany that was announced earlier this month.
Church did most of the drawing work, but he also had two other collaborators named Xack Fischer and Forest Tresside assist.
Church did most of the drawing work, but he also had two other collaborators named Xack Fischer and Forest Tresside assist.
Those who are not in Seattle and want to see the painting, Church wrote on his website, can view it via Google satellite maps.
Those who are not in Seattle and want to see the painting, Church wrote on his website, can view it via Google satellite maps.
Tran Hang (according to Boredpanda)
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