24 July 2024
The person who closely followed Ms. Manh Van Chau was hired by the US, Canada and China 0

The person who closely followed Ms. Manh Van Chau was hired by the US, Canada and China 0

Ms. Manh Van Chau must pay for surveillance services from private security company Lions Gate...

Ms. Manh Van Chau must pay for surveillance services from private security company Lions Gate…

Lions Gate security staff were also hired to closely follow Ms. Manh Van Chau and protect the Chinese Consulate in Vancouver.

The South China Morning Post newspaper reported on January 25 that the security officer hired by US and Canadian officials to monitor the chief financial officer of Chinese technology corporation Huawei – Ms. Meng Wanzhou – was also a security guard.

The person who closely followed Ms. Manh Van Chau was hired by the US, Canada and China

Lions Gate security staff (wearing blue and white striped ties) closely followed Ms. Manh Van Chau during her trial on January 20 in British Columbia.

To ensure Ms. Meng did not escape after being arrested at Vancouver International Airport, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) hired private security company Lions Gate to closely monitor her.

RCMP officer Peter Lea spoke with FBI liaison officer John Sgroi and agreed to hire the above security company to prevent the possibility that Beijing could organize Ms. Meng’s escape through the Chinese Consulate in Vancouver.

According to a precedent in some cases where wealthy suspects applied for bail, Ms. Manh Van Chau had to pay for this surveillance service.

Canadian filmmaker Ina Mitchell discovered that the same security officer tasked with supervising Ms. Meng appeared in a Lions Gate uniform to protect the security of the Chinese Consulate in Vancouver late last month.

Responding to Ms. Mitchell at the Chinese Consulate in Vancouver, this security officer said: `I was working for that side (to supervise Ms. Meng – Reporter) earlier this week, same company for both jobs.`

The above employee was the person who closely followed Ms. Manh throughout the trial of the Supreme Court of British Columbia regarding the extradition of Huawei’s chief financial officer to the US.

Lions Gate Company has refused to disclose information about its customers and about the services for which it is hired by US, Canadian and Chinese officials.

Lions Gate Director Doug Maynard, who is a former RCMP officer, claims his security company operates on a `non-political basis` and complies with British Columbia and Canadian laws.

The person who closely followed Ms. Manh Van Chau was hired by the US, Canada and China

Huawei Chief Financial Officer Manh Van Chau appeared at the extradition hearing on January 20.

In December 2018, Ms. Manh Van Chau was arrested by the RCMP at Vancouver International Airport at the request of the US side.

Ms. Meng is under investigation for allegedly misleading HSBC Bank about Huawei’s relationship with Iran’s affiliated company Skycom, violating economic sanctions against Tehran.

On January 20, the first hearing took place.

China criticized this arrest as a `serious political incident` when the US and Canada abused their extradition treaty.

According to Van Kiem

Ho Chi Minh City Law

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