26 July 2024
Tourists take photos in Tibetan style in Sa Pa 1

Tourists take photos in Tibetan style in Sa Pa 1

Lao Cai Many tourists come to Sapa to rent clothes and take photos in the style of Mongolian, Tibetan...

Loving the scenery and weather of Sa Pa, during Nham Dan Tet, Ms. Vu Tra My (Hanoi) chose this place as a spring vacation destination for the whole family.

Ms. Tra My’s family in Tibetan-style clothes.

Because of the weather, the family took photos at Cat Cat village and did not go cloud hunting at O Quy Ho pass.

Ms. Nguyen Hong Thu Trang (Hanoi) booked a photography service with Tibetan costumes in Sa Pa.

The page sharing this photography trend may encounter many mixed opinions because it is not suitable or true to the identity of Vietnamese ethnic groups.

Tourists take photos in Tibetan style in Sa Pa

Not only Thu Trang or Tra My, the photography trend in Sa Pa is currently attracting customers, after the photos were shared on social networks.

Phuong shared that the idea originated from her love for nomadic life, the vast green steppes, and endless grass in Mongolia and Tibet.

Mr. Hoang Trung Hieu, doing business at Greenfarm rental facility, said there are 10 sets of Tibetan costumes.

Duong Quoc Hieu, a photographer in Sa Pa, said that on average he does 15 photo sets for customers each week.

Hieu said that having more non-offensive photography trends will contribute to attracting tourists and creating a new point for the destination.

Tourists take photos in Tibetan style in Sa Pa

The cost for a set of photos is about 1.5-2 million VND.

Currently, photos posted by tourists on social networks receive hundreds, thousands of likes.

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