24 July 2024
8 ambulances ran like shuttles to take apartment fire victims to the hospital 3

8 ambulances ran like shuttles to take apartment fire victims to the hospital 3

In the darkness of March 23, the sounds of ambulance sirens and fire sirens continued, and eight ambulances took turns giving first aid to apartment fire victims.

At 1:40 a.m. on March 23, nurse Nguyen Chau Son at Ho Chi Minh City Emergency Center 115 received a call to rescue victims at the Carina Plaza apartment fire, District 8. After immediately dispatching an emergency team to the scene

Reaching the scene at 1:55 a.m., the first emergency crew identified many casualties and reported to Ho Chi Minh City Emergency Center 115 requesting the dispatch of two more ambulances.

During the dark night due to a power outage in the area around the fire, 8 emergency vehicles followed in rotation. As soon as this vehicle transferred the victim, another vehicle immediately took its place.

Give first aid to the victim at the scene.

Nurse Vien said: `For many years I have worked in emergency medicine outside the hospital, facing life and death every day, but disasters that cause mass casualties like this one haunt me.`

The victims mainly suffered from suffocation and respiratory burns due to inhaling hot air into their bodies.

In the morning, when the emergency work was completed, the other doctors and nurses went home to sleep, but nurse Vien was still sitting absent-mindedly at the hospital.

8 ambulances ran like shuttles to take apartment fire victims to the hospital

The area around the fire had a power outage, so doctors had to conduct emergency treatment in the dark.

At 7:00 a.m., the rescue work was basically completed, the emergency medical doctors withdrew from the scene, only one crew remained to coordinate with the authorities to continue checking and protecting the scene.

At the emergency rooms of Nguyen Tri Phuong, Cho Ray, Children’s Hospital 1… doctors and nurses were also busy at night rescuing victims.

Doctor Pham Thi Van Thanh, Department of Endoscopy at Cho Ray Hospital, said that normally a respiratory endoscopy operation only takes about 10 minutes.

8 ambulances ran like shuttles to take apartment fire victims to the hospital

A pediatric patient who suffered gas inhalation in an apartment fire was taken to the emergency room at Children’s Hospital 1. Photo: Le Phuong.

At 2:00 a.m. on March 23, the Carina Plaza apartment building consisting of 6 blocks of 14-20 floors in District 8, Ho Chi Minh City, caught fire from the basement parking lot.

Le Phuong

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