8 September 2024
American hospitals are reeling again because of Covid-19 5

American hospitals are reeling again because of Covid-19 5

Sergio Segarra's optimism did not last long, as Covid-19 cases at his hospital were increasing exponentially and becoming rapidly worse.

`When I see articles about hospitals in California with empty Covid-19 treatment spaces, I yearn for that. We always strive to achieve such results, but unfortunately, the turning point is quite sad

Segarra began to feel optimistic when the number of Covid-19 patients at his hospital fell below 20 last month.

`As a medical professional, it is sad to see so many people die from a disease that is generally preventable. It is extremely heartbreaking,` Segarra expressed.

With the number of nCoV infections increasing in most of the country, due to unvaccinated people and the more contagious Delta strain, US hospitalizations are also on the rise, forcing the health system to once again prepare.

In current hot spots such as Florida and Missouri, where patients are quickly filling Covid-19 treatment wards, experts warn that the number of deaths may soon increase.

Outside the emergency room of a hospital in Orlando, Florida, USA, on March 24.

Leaders of Texas County Memorial Hospital in Houston, Missouri, said half of the deaths from Covid-19 since the beginning of this year, including 8 cases, were recorded in the past week.

According to hospital spokeswoman Helania Wulff, just over 23% of the Texas county population has received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Lauren Toman, the hospital’s director of respiratory medicine, said that in previous outbreaks, patients tended to be older and had underlying health conditions, but now the group is younger and healthier.

`Patients deteriorate rapidly, incredibly rapidly, even after intubation. Unfortunately, we see people are dying at an even faster rate than before,` Toman said, adding

Erik Frederick, administrative director of Mercy Hospital in Springfield, Missouri, also said they are seeing the number of patients increasing `at an almost unbelievable rate.`

`The number of Covid-19 patients at our hospital on September 1, 2020 was 24, and it was not until December 28, 2020 that it reached a peak of 113 people. That record was just broken in just 39 days.

Frederick assessed there is a `direct link` between low vaccination rates and the increase in infections and hospitalizations.

Patients treated at Frederick’s hospital also tend to be younger.

Health leaders in other areas in the US are reporting similar situations.

In the state of Mississippi, where less than 34% of the population is fully vaccinated, health officials warn that the resurgence of the Delta variant has caused seven children to be treated for Covid-19 in the intensive care unit, including

However, even those who have been vaccinated have not completely `escaped`.

`When we look closely at those patients, the takeaway is that they all have serious chronic diseases. Vaccination doesn’t get us completely out of danger. It makes things a lot better, but it doesn’t do everything.`

Experts also say that although vaccines are very effective, they are not perfect.

According to hospital leaders, this Covid-19 outbreak occurred while medical staff were already exhausted and suffering damage from the persistent war that had lasted more than a year.

`What I fear is whether we can get through it again? Can we continue to be optimistic and keep our spirits up? We are trying our best to stand together, but we also feel

Toman said she understands some people’s vaccine hesitancy, but promoting vaccination will be `the only way to stop this monster.`

`We have not achieved the desired progress on Covid-19 treatment, but we are close to a miracle that helps prevent infection. To see that miracle not being used is extremely disappointing,` Segarra said.

The US has not achieved President Joe Biden’s goal of injecting at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine to 70% of the adult population by July 4, Independence Day.

`We are facing a public health situation that goes beyond our own personal needs. So we need to think a little more about others, instead of being selfish,` Segarra assessed.

`If you are facing the decision of whether to vaccinate or not, think about the good you will bring to society and the community, because vaccines not only help prevent the risk of infection for you, but also avoid the possibility of

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